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Care Certificate

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The Care Certificate was introduced in April 2015. All those working as healthcare assistants and adult social care workers are expected to undertake this learning as part of their induction programme. The Care Certificate was created as a result of the Cavendish Review which was published in July 2013.

This review was part of the response to the Francis Inquiry into the failings of care at the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust. The Cavendish Review found that the training and development of healthcare assistants and adult social care workers was often inconsistent or good enough. Cavendish proposed that a new ‘Certificate of Fundamental Care’ be created to improve this and that led to the ‘Care Certificate’. The Care Certificate covers the learning outcomes, competencies and standards of behaviour that must be expected of support workers in the health and social care sectors. It aims to ensure that you are compassionate and provide quality care in your work. The certificate builds on and replaces the earlier induction programmes: social care’s Common Induction Standards (CIS) and health’s
National Minimum Training Standards (NMTS).


  • 16 Sections
  • 86 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0 Assignments
  • 100h Duration
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Introduction to the Care Certificate
1 Lesson0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Introduction
Understand your role
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. What you need to know
  2. Experiences, attitudes and beliefs
  3. Values, aims and objectives
  4. Rights and responsibilities at work
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Working conditions
  7. Agreed ways of working
  8. Reporting errors
  9. Effective partnership working
Your personal development
6 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Developing a personal development plan (PDP)
  2. Supervision and appraisal
  3. Agreeing your objectives
  4. Developing your knowledge, skills and understanding
  5. Learning and development
  6. Receiving feedback
Duty of care
5 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. What you need to know
  2. Supporting independence
  3. Incidents, errors and near misses
  4. Legislation
  5. Managing conflict and difficult situations
Equality & diversity
5 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Equality and Diversity, Inclusion and Discrimination
  2. Ways of working that reduce the likelihood of discrimination
  3. Ways of working that reduce the likelihood of discrimination
  4. The Equality Act 2010 and protected characteristics
  5. The code of conduct
Work in a person centred way
6 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Values in Health and Social Care
  2. Person-centred values in practice
  3. Working in a way that promotes person-centred values
  4. The changing needs of the individual
  5. Minimising environmental factors that may cause discomfort or distress
  6. Supporting individuals to minimise pain or discomfort
7 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. The importance of effective communication
  2. Types of communication
  3. Communication with other workers and individuals
  4. Communicating by touch or physical contact
  5. Barriers to effective communication
  6. Additional information and support
  7. Limits to confidentiality
Privacy and Dignity
4 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Privacy and dignity
  2. Privacy and dignity in care and support
  3. Risk assessment
  4. Supporting active participation
Fluids and Nutrition
3 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Fluids and nutrition and food safety
  2. The importance of good nutrition and hydration in maintaining health and wellbeing
  3. Promoting adequate nutrition and hydration
Awareness of mental health, dementia, and learning disability
8 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. What you need to know
  2. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
  3. Psychosis
  4. Dementia
  5. Care and support
  6. Legal frameworks, policy and guidelines
  7. Mental capacity
  8. Making an assessment of capacity
Safeguarding Adults
7 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. The principles of safeguarding adults
  2. Types of abuse and neglect - signs and indicators
  3. Protecting adults from abuse and neglect
  4. Safeguarding adults reviews (SARs)
  5. Managing risk
  6. Reporting and responding to abuse and neglect
  7. Information sharing
Safeguarding children
4 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Safeguarding children
  2. What is child abuse?
  3. The impact of a parent’s/carer’s physical and mental health or domestic violence on child wellbeing
  4. Actions to take when abuse is suspected or alleged
Basic Life Support
5 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Legislation and basic life support
  2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  3. Obstructed airway (adult)
  4. Obstructed airway (infant and child)
  5. Confidentiality
Health and Safety
7 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Health and safety
  2. Health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer
  3. Who is responsible for health and safety in your workplace?
  4. Accidents and sudden illness
  5. Medication and healthcare activities and tasks
  6. Fire safety
  7. Signs and indicators of stress in yourself and others
Handling Information
3 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Handling Information
  2. Legislation
  3. The Freedom of Information Act 2000
Infection Prevention and Control
6 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Assignments
  1. Infection prevention and control
  2. The chain of infection
  3. Breaking the chain
  4. Your health and hygiene
  5. ‘5 moments’ for hand hygiene
  6. Hand washing
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