Harmony In Care

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Overnight care at home ensures you receive the care and support you require during the night-time hours.

Overnight Care

Harmony In Care overnight care for the elderly provides peace of mind

A restful night’s sleep gives our bodies and minds the opportunity to rest and recharge for the day ahead. For some elderly people, getting ready for bed or needing to get up during the night can feel strenuous or even be dangerous for those that may live alone.

Harmony In Care is dedicated to caring for our client’s needs at all times. We always want to ensure that you or your loved ones never feel vulnerable or alone, especially at night time. We provide overnight care assistance for those that need extra support to sleep peacefully throughout the night.

What is overnight care?

For many people, their care needs continue into the night, particularly for those that live with a complex condition. Overnight home care allows clients to receive the support they need whilst being able to remain safe and cared for in their own home.

Harmony In Care’s overnight home care assistance is tailored to the client’s personal needs, whether they require extra support at home before bed or during the night. A Harmony In CareCarer will visit and stay in your home throughout the night to ensure that you have access to any assistance that may be needed to sleep restfully.

What are the different types of overnight care?

Whilst you sleep your overnight carer can stay awake throughout the night to ensure they are always available to offer regular support. Alternatively, carers can sleep whilst you sleep, in which case, they would require access to their own bed and then be on call at any time you require assistance.

Also known as asleep care, sleeping nights are where a carer will arrive in the evening to then go to sleep in a room provided – they are purely there to provide reassurance and should not be regularly disturbed at night.

Whether you are looking for overnight home care for yourself or a loved one, Harmony In Care delivers a care service which is tailored to your individual needs. Our Harmony In Care carers work with you to ensure that you are able to sleep safely and comfortably at home whilst providing any care that you require during the night time.

Overnight home care services are available to provide as much support throughout the night as a person may require. Some clients may only need overnight care assistance to step in for when a person’s family member has to go away. Other individuals may require overnight care every night, particularly if they live on their own to ensure they can retain their routine and wellbeing at all times.  

How you can benefit from overnight care

Receiving overnight care can bring many benefits to an individual’s life. Overnight home care allows a person to continue living at home whilst getting the support they need to carry out tasks that they may otherwise struggle to do themselves.

Harmony In Care overnight home care is available as much or as little as you may need. You may only need overnight care as little as one night a week to cover for those you usually live with or if you live on your own we can provide support every night if required. We work with you to devise an overnight care plan which will offer the most benefit to your necessary routine.

Overnight care for the elderly FAQs

With out night shifts for either service typically spanning 10pm – 7am, overnight care is an affordable live-in care option for you or your loved one with sleeping night starting from £21 p/h (£189.00 per night) and waking nights from £23 p/h (£216.00 per night).

Talk To Us Today

At Harmony In Care Homecare, our ultimate goal is to enrich your lifestyle in the comfort and familiarity of your own home. This allows you to live the independent lifestyle that you love without the daunting thought of moving into a care home. We are here to support you with various different forms of live-in care. 

Call us now on 01908272839 in confidence for a free no obligation quotation.